Friday, June 4, 2010

Show us your Life

Ok ladies... This is a super idea that I am using from a blog friend named Kelly.  I have "met" so many people from all over the country through this and I hope to use it for us to mingle with gals around church and beyond to get to know one another. Let me know what you think...

This week is about {Random Acts of Kindness}.
This ties in with what we discussed last night so it should be fun!

Here are a few of my thoughts and I can't wait to hear about yours.

1. Keeping McDonald dollars in my glove compartment to give to the
homeless people who stand near exit 22.

2. Paying for the person behind me in line at a drive thru. or line.

3. Offering to pay for the gas of the person a few pumps over from me.

4. Walking into a laundry mat to help another lady do her laundry by giving her a bag of quarters and then staying to help her fold her laundry.

5. Stopping by a grave yard to pray with someone standing at a fresh grave.

6. Stopping to share a smile or encouraging word with the lady frantically walking down the street with what looks like all she owns bulging out of several wal-mart bags.  (seriously see several of these ladies walking down new hope, always scared to do it though)

7. Simple text to tell someone they were on my heart and mind.

8. Surprise snail mail!  I love it and love sending it!
Such a sweet surprise to get something cute with your name on the front
jumbled in between mundane junk mail.

Your turn... you have 300 letters to spell it out...

1 comment:

  1. What a terrific list!

    I especially love that you say a prayer at a gravesite.

    What a great gift!
